STAR Procurement: Winners of the iNetwork award for 'Connected Procurement'
The iNetwork awards were held on Wednesday 16th November and STAR were lucky enough to be short listed for the 'Connected Procurement' award with their submission on data transparency, analysis, management and reporting.
Check out our twitter account (@STARProcurement) for some of our live tweets of the awards ceremony.
Watch our video submission
Details from our winning submission, STAR Procurement: data transparency, analysis, management and reporting
When STAR was formed there was a big challenge to bring together the information from three different Councils. Getting this information together has involved a lot of work with stakeholders and some creative thinking on how we collect and report data.
What we've achieved:
- One 'contract register' that holds information for our three Councils- it holds all the information required for transparency reporting, savings and social value
- Monthly performance reports to support team development, continuous improvement and efficiency
- We create regular work plans to review workloads and where the Councils could procure together to save money
- Quarterly key performance indicators which detail changes and how we're doing against targets
- Detailed spend analysis for our three Councils identifying non compliant spend, where we could make more savings and where the councils could procure together to save money
- Working closely with the AGMA procurement hub to improve the quality of the data we provide to SpendPro in order to improve the quality of the data we receive back
- Monthly website and Twitter data
Posted on Friday 18th November 2016