What We Do
Our Partners have individual priorities that they seek to address in everything they do. In addition, the STAR Responsible Procurement Strategy and the Greater Manchester Social Value Framework 2020 feed in to how we address Social Value in our activities.
All contracts with a value in excess of £25k have social value considered before the procurement exercise commences, and where possible we ensure it is captured and forms part of the contract award process. In addition, we also use the Social Value Portal for nearly all contracts with a value in excess of £50k to gain measurable and reportable Social Value commitments from bidders that match against the TOMs framework (TOMs (Themes, Outcomes, Measures) is a national measurement framework that provides a minimum reporting standard for measuring social value across the UK.)
We work closely with commissioners and service users across our Partners, to understand and assess what opportunities exist to deliver social value through their contracts, by either amending specifications to build elements of Social Value in as a core requirement, or considering what is in the art of the possible for bidding suppliers. Where considered necessary, we also encourage public consultation with users or residents to take first hand consideration of what matters most to our local communities.
An appropriate method of market engagement will also be used to consult with the relevant market, or sectors that have an interest in supporting social value outcomes, with the aim of making sure that what we are asking to be delivered is relevant and proportionate to the contract, and more importantly, any captured Social Value can be delivered. The intention is to provide the opportunity to engage and feedback prior to the bidding process, but not to restrict innovation from the market.
We work with comissioners to ensure that, on average, a social value weighting of no less than 20% is allocated to the award criteria for all applicable contracts, in accordance with our Responsible Procurement Strategy.
Contract Award and Delivery
Where possible we include the delivery of social value commitments as Key Performance Indicators for all contracts in excess of £25k, allowing the contract manager to ensure these commitements are delivered. Those contracts that are put through the Social Value Portal also have the Social Value commitments measured through the portal to enable us to capture and contract manage social value commitments from suppliers.
Social Value Success
STAR has been pursuing the delivery of Social Value from our Partners suppliers since our formation in 2014.
We launched our 'Social Value is Everyone's Business' programme in March 2019, which has resulted in some fantastic achievements.
2020/21 Acheivements
28% of total contract values awarded were delivered back to the community through Social Value (that's £60m)
77% of all winning businesses are GM Businesses
Delivered £1m of Social Value through our own workforce
Contact Us for a copy of our 'One Year On' leaflet.