Our website is a central resource for both suppliers who want to do business with the councils that we support, and buyers across our councils looking for advice and access to documentation.
If you are a supplier that either provides or is interested in supplying to our councils, you can find information on tendering, links to our procurement portal, and a range of useful resources in Supplier resources. You will also be able to submit information about your company which will assist STAR Procurement to support you to do business with our councils and partner organisations.
If you are an employee within one of our councils or partner organisations, please visit our Buyer resources and register for access. Here you will find guidance and template documents that will assist you to tender for supplies, services or works contracts, along with a wealth of information to support your interaction with STAR Procurement.
STAR Procurement now serves six councils Knowsley, Rochdale, St Helens, Stockport, Tameside, and Trafford Councils. We continue to grow and collaborate to achieve transformation through procurement and co-operation.